We make it easy to help shape your future.

Three Programs


01 — TrendSprint

A TrendSprint is a focused 20 day engagement designed to approach trends discovery for your specific business purpose. 

  • Preparing for a rebranding, positioning or brand purpose process

  • Developing a new marketing campaign

  • Beginning a new product innovation cycle

  • Dialing in product launch messaging

  • Educating and inspiring your team with ideas for future growth

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Inspire Your Goals with Future Trends

Following an initial kick off meeting with the client team, the work of a TrendSprint falls primarily on the TrendStories team. We will schedule a mid term check-in for validation on our progress before completing the work. The final deliverable is an in-person presentation followed by a full day workshop to socialize and activate the trends in support of your goals.

02 — TrendsFramework

A full trends framework is for organizations who are looking to develop and engage with a deeper understanding of the core trends that matter most to the future of their business over the next 3 - 5 years.

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Clear • Actionable • Dynamic

A TrendStories trends framework is an interactive process with clients and typically takes 2 - 3 months. The end result is a rich understanding of prioritized trends and future signals across your organization — and how this forward-looking information can help support and inspire new areas for growth.

The final deliverable is day-and-a-half workshop to socialize the trends framework with senior leaders and other critical stakeholders throughout the organization.  We also provide a compelling, visual communications piece that galvanizes the organization around one central resource for future engagement and action. This living artifact presents priority trends for your business and establishes a process for your entire organization to engage with them effectively over time.

While each trends framework project is customized, the overall process will follow this general flow. 

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03 — TrendsKeynote

Our founder and trends expert, Craig McAnsh, is available for speaking engagements to showcase future trends and frame them in a way that resonates best with your company or organization. He will draw upon his 10+ years of exploring and examining trends as well as his recent work as a futurist consultant in New York.


Telling TrendStories

A typical speaking engagement is about 30 - 40 minutes followed by 20 minutes of Q&A. Our process begins with a deep dive conversation with each client team to understand the context and category in which the talk will take place. Lead time for speaking engagement is 2-3 weeks from initial conversation based on availability.

Contact us.

Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to start a conversation about how TrendStories can help your business or organization better anticipate change to find new growth.