How Trends Intelligence Gives Your Company the Edge.



Every company and organization can benefit from a richer understanding of future trends. TrendStrories™ has rich expertise building trends programs that offer our clients significant advantages:

  • A better understanding of shifts in human attitudes, values, beliefs and expectations

  • The ability to keep a pulse on the marketplaces of the future

  • A ready supply of new ideas and inspirations for messaging and innovation

  • Tools to inspire key stakeholders with a cohesive future vision

  • A system to galvanize new ideas and thinking across internal/functional silos

  • A process to develop tighter/more accurate and more successful new product concepts

  • A way to future-proof your brand and communications - meet your target where they are headed versus where they are today

  • The mindset to break down company and category blindspots that build up over time within people and organizations

  • A path to discover and develop new (hidden) opportunities for growth

Defend, Develop or Disrupt?

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My organization already has an abundance of consumer insights. Why do I need future trends?

  • Consumer insights and industry research are critical for understanding the next 2 months to 2 years. And that may be all you need to think about. Consumer insights are primarily DEFENSIVE in posture — allowing you to maintain your current position and direction. 

  • When you are ready to move into the DEVELOPMENT of new ideas, new products, new creative, unexpected new opportunities (or even new defenses) — a more systematic approach to understanding of trends will be critical to your success.

  • For the most DISRUPTIVE posture and process, you will want to supplement insights and trends with a foresight practice. Foresight will prepare your company for shaping the future over a 5 - 10 year horizon.

Industry Experience


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