Driven to Distraction

In-Car Entertainment Accelerates

The future of autonomous cars may be a boon for entertainment and tech companies. While fully self-driving cars are still a ways off, ADAS Level 3 autonomy will allow for more gaming, streaming and other digital experiences to take place inside your car. And tech companies are diving in. At CES this year, 25% more floor space has been allocated to automotive brands and the technology inside their cars, than in 2022 - making CES the biggest car show in the USA.

Increased use of AI in and outside of cars will play a big role in the advances being made. According to PC Magazine, one such tech/auto partnership is moving very quickly. “Sony has teamed up with Honda to create electric vehicles with a superior content experience, tech in every nook and cranny, and autonomy galore. The brands' first vehicle, dubbed Afeela, debuted at the show, and Sony Honda Mobility (SHM), their new joint venture company, will begin taking orders for it in 2025 with customer deliveries in 2026.” Of course, the Afeela is also mobile app connected for control of interior temperature, tire pressure … and you can even display the score of a live sports game on the outside surface of the vehicle.

The in-car entertainment trend is largely driven by the demand for more advanced and immersive experiences while on the road, as well as the proliferation of connected and autonomous vehicles. Some of the most popular forms of in-car entertainment and gaming include the use of mobile devices and portable gaming consoles, as well as the integration of streaming services and virtual reality systems. In addition, there has been a rise in the use of voice assistants and artificial intelligence to enhance the convenience and functionality of in-car entertainment systems. These developments have certainly made driving more enjoyable, but have they have also begun a downward spiral in driving safety by providing drivers with more distractions on the road?


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